John comes home and I ask how practice was - "Amazing". He loves lacrosse but never like this. Thanks to all the coaches.
- Current Blue Star Parent
There is one thing parents, players and coaches at Blue Star Lacrosse all agree on right now - the summer of 2018 is off to an incredible start!!
The enthusiasm found at Blue Star practices is loud, proud, and infectious!!!! Players come to practice excited to play, learn and most importantly - be with their teammates. Lifetime friendships and memories are being made each and every practice, with many more to come this summer!!
On the flipside, the Blue Star coaching staff could not be more grateful for such an awesome group of young players - especially when they all come to practice chomping at the bit! The coaching staff at Blue Star is cherishing every moment on (and off) the field with these players and families. There is a lot more coaching and playing to be done, but the seeds for a great summer have been sown.
Parents on the sidelines are extremely positive and encouraged by the amount of care, love and instruction Blue Star Lacrosse provides each and every player with.
I am blown away at the Instruction Ryan has received ... this is a ton of fun for him and for us!
- Current Blue Star Parent
The Blue Star CULTURE emphasizes work ethic and trusting the process. This has paid off enormously already for our players and families. Families who respect the sanctity of youth sports and the important values sports teach are buying into the Blue Star method and seeing remarkable results.
The individual growth is apparent at every single practice, (the coaches and parents will be the first to tell you!) Skills are improving, attitudes are excellent, lacrosse IQ is improving and the level of play elevates with every rep and drill. Growth and confidence comes from players putting in the extra work on their own time combined with excellent coaching and practice execution.
We see more confidence in our son after every Blue Star practice, the Coaches are extremely positive, upbeat, and great role models
- Current Blue Star Parent
At the end of the day we aim to develop young men of character through the sport of lacrosse - if we do that, the winning will take care of itself!!!
We believe that in today's dynamic growth environment for teenage boys, less is more, and it is paying off in front of our eyes. These guys need constructive rest. Our athletes are learning more, and staying Healthy and Hungry. The Character and Integrity piece can't be stressed enough, and our coaches are delivering on that at a very high level. We are seeing it in our athletes, and that's extremely rewarding.
- MV Whitlow, Director of Blue Star Lacrosse
The Blue Star culture stresses that players be great young men of character on and off the field. Whether it's in the classroom, at home, or in the locker room - Blue Star encourages players to make the right decision, every time! We stress to our boys to be respectful sons and brothers of high character.
As the "Leader in the Lacrosse Development", we aim to have top-tier communication and organization when it comes to our players and families. The effective communication processes we have established are reassuring to parents who know we are just one click, text, email, or phone call away. We pride ourselves on our level of customer service for our families, which is why we go to great lengths to be so incredibly-organized and in front of timelines. Everything we do, we do for the purpose of helping facilitate growth for our players and families!