Want to take your stick skills to the next level? Tired of only having a right hand? Time to hit the wall! Playing wall ball is the number one way to improve stick skills, but going out there and just throwing around isn't enough, and can get boring pretty quick. Having a set wall ball routine will make things more interesting and keep your wall ball routines efficient and fun. Here is the Blue Star wall ball routine:
- 40x Righty
- 40x Lefty
- 40x Catch Righty, Throw Lefty
- 40x Catch Lefty, Throw Righty
- 40x One Handed, Righty
- 40x One Handed, Lefty
- 40x Cross Handed Righty (stick in your right hand, but throwing on the left side of your body)
- 40x Cross Handed Lefty
- 40x Quick Stick Righty
- 40x Quick Stick Lefty
- 40x Side Arm Righty
- 40x Side Arm Lefty
- 20x Risers Righty (low to high)
- 20x Risers Lefty
- 30x Righty with Fake
- 30x Lefty with Fake
- 20x Righty with stick in front of face
-20x Lefty with stick in front of face
- 15x Behind the Back Righty
- 15x Behind the Back Lefty
Do this routine every day, but don't expect to get better right away. Improving stick skills is a gradual process, but the only way to start the process is by hitting the wall on a daily basis!
Blue Star Lacrosse Camps are designed to be fun for everyone involved (that includes counselors too!) There are a lot of reasons to go to camp but at the end of the day we want campers to leave feeling exhausted and excited for the next day. We strive to create an environment that cultivates a player's passion for the game - we have found over 25+ years of camps that passion and attitude are the biggest future drivers of success!
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